Retailers Turning the Corner and Pursuing Customers, Mobile, and P2PE
May 17, 2012 | No Comments | Encryption
Fresh off the road from a busy Spring schedule of conferences and events such as the recent RIS Retail Technology Conference and MICROS Retail Conference, I reflected on some of the latest trends in retail I picked up on in various sessions, conversations and reports.
Customers are King; Mobile Use and Commerce Increasing
Mobile has placed even more power into the hands of today’s consumer, with the ability to check competitors’ prices while in store (a phenomenon known as “showrooming”) and so retailers are being forced to adopt new pricing and promotional tactics. Marketing investments are focused on mining more data and using it to provide more customized promotions to increase engagement and loyalty. To keep up with today’s tech-savvy consumers, retailers are also increasingly adopting mobile point-of-sale solutions. We’re seeing some POS providers leveraging the tablet form factor, integrating barcode scanners and mag stripe readers into handheld devices that double as a tool to offer on-demand product information to shoppers wherever they are in the store.
Profits Are Up; Retailers Reinvesting Again
According to the NRF Foundation’s recently released Retail Horizons: Benchmarks for 2011, Forecasts for 2012, retailers have returned to profitability after the economic downturn. The survey revealed that marketing and advertising spend is up, as well as investment in IT upgrades, e-commerce and leadership development.
P2PE Emerging as Key Data Security Strategy
Point-to-point encryption (P2PE) is gaining greater momentum as one of the most effective ways for retailers to secure on- and offline and mobile payments, with the added benefit of reducing PCI scope. Unfortunately, hackers continue to target retailers, with their favorite method being to target data “in transit,” as it moves through and from the merchant environment. Attackers in 2011 were more successful at harvesting data in transit than any other method, according to the Trustwave’s 2012 Global Security Report. Meanwhile, the PCI Council just released updated point-to-point encryption requirements as well as a fact sheet outlining how merchants can securely accept payments using mobile devices with actionable recommendations on partnering with a P2PE solution provider to securely accept payments and meet PCI DSS compliance obligations.
So those are a few of the key trends I’ve observed.
What are you seeing and experiencing? Share your comments and thoughts below.