Best of the Web 7.27.12
July 27, 2012 | No Comments | Featured
Welcome to the Bi-Weekly Best of the Web – a great way to catch up on recent commentary and compelling content from across the Web. Every other Friday, we’ll post insightful news articles, noteworthy blog posts and more related to the world of payments, payment data security and technology.
New PCI Rules Will Force Retailers To Set The Risk Level <Tweet this article>
by Walter Conway
PCI version 2.0 changed July, 1. Even though there are actually no new requirements, per se, as of this date, the stated “best practices” for identifying and ranking risk vulnerabilities in Requirement 6.2 became mandatory. Ignore this change and you may see yourself up a PCI tree later this year……. Click here to read more
Not All Merchants Are Happy with the $7-Billion-Plus Credit Card Settlement <Tweet this article>
by Digital Transactions
No sooner had the ink dried on a proposed settlement of a massive credit card suit than cracks began to appear in what had been an edifice of merchant solidarity. The NACS, a national trade group for convenience-store operators, on Friday said its board of directors had unanimously rejected the settlement, and on Monday its attorney told Digital Transactions News more merchant dissenters will emerge. “A lot of merchants are very upset about this [settlement],” says Douglas Kantor, a Washington, D.C.-based partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP……. Click here to read more
Small Kentucky town latest victim of credit card fraud affecting 25% of police force <Tweet this article>
by Avivah Litan
I’ve been hearing from U.S. banks that card fraud continues to be a major issue for them, while online bank account takeover and trojan-based attacks have flattened out. The new trend, they say, is ‘micro-attacks’ that are localized, small in nature and which stay under the radar longer, giving the crooks more time to rack up unauthorized charges.…….Click here to read more
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